Tufts OTC Benefits

The biggest benefit of the TUFTS OTC is that the members and users can have access to necessary health products with affordable costs. Those benefits are a part of the Tufts OTC Benefits plan; which enables members to buy items such as vitamins, pain killers, and products of personal care. The benefits help you in not using extra money to buy OTC medicine.

Some of the benefits are listed as below:

  1. You can freely use your Flex Advantage Card at retailers who are registered, like CVS, Walmart, Walreens, and Stop and Shop.
  2. You can also use you OTC card number to buy items online from nationsotc.com.

Tufts Medical Center

The Tufts medical center is in Boston. It is a medical center for Academics and it is affiliated with Tuft University School of Medicine. The center’s research is focused on patients aiming for innovation in medical treatments. It serves as teaching hospital for medical students and lays the foundation of groundbreaking research endeavors.

Tufts Ed Acceptance Rate

Knowing about Tufts competitive exams is a good thing. It shows that you care. Normally the ED acceptance rates are known to be higher as compared to RD, Regular Decisions. The ED students are less in number and they are more interested in attending , so they get accepted more frequently. In 2024, the ED acceptance rate was 10%.

You must consider ED if Tufts is your first choice and you don’t have financial issues. You must be ready for such commitment in your college decision.

What Food Can I Get with My OTC Card?

You can get food items such as fruits and vegetables, meat related products, poultry products, fish and other seafood, many dairy products, eggs and egg alternatives, bread, cereal, pasta, and beans.

Tufts OTC Benefits for Seniors

The Tufts Plan senior Care Option users can receive an OTC benefit which can help them to buy eligible items with their instant OTC card.

  1. At every quarter’s beginning a credit of $425 is loaded into their OTC card
  2. They can buy items from the participating retailers, Walmart, Walgreens, Stop and Shop
  3. They also use the card on Medline and Walmart.com
  4. The items that are eligible include, grocery, personal hygiene, and Medicaid approved OTC items
  5. They cannot benefit from rollover, must finish the credit within the quarter

Tufts OTC Benefits Catalog

Below is a glimpse of catalogue for important OTC items, but if you want in details, you can download the one available online.

CategoryProductDescriptionSizeCountItem CodePrice
Antibiotics & AntisepticsBacitracin + Zinc OintmentHealing for minor cuts, scrapes, burns1 oz1 Ct1053$5.50
CURAD Triple Antibiotic OintmentHealing for minor cuts, scrapes, burns1 oz1 Ct1083$5.50
Neosporin Triple Antibiotic Ointment24-hour infection protection1 oz1 Ct3832$11.50
Medi-First Antiseptic SprayPrevents infection2 oz1 Ct1046$5.50
Medline 3% Hydrogen PeroxideMulti-use first aid antiseptic4 oz1 Ct1914$2.50
Hydrox Hydrogen Peroxide 3% AntisepticFirst aid antiseptic and cleanser8 oz1 Ct6013$3.00
Medline 70% Isopropyl AlcoholTopical first aid essential16 oz1 Ct1073$4.50
Medline Isopropyl Alcohol Prep Pad (Large)Large alcohol prep pad1.75″ x 3″1 Ct2186$1.50
Medline Isopropyl Alcohol Prep Pads (Medium)Medium pad with 70% isopropyl alcohol1.125″ x 2.375″200 Ct1044$5.00
BandagesCURAD Flex-Fabric Adhesive BandagesFlexible, seals out dirtFingertip100 Ct1642$7.00
BAND-AID Flexible Fabric Adhesive BandagesComfortable, stretches as you move1″ x 3″100 Ct3713$14.00
CURAD Plastic Adhesive BandagesBreathable with nonstick pad2″ x 4″50 Ct1641$8.00
CURAD Plastic Waterproof BandagesWaterproof, 4-sided seal1″ x 3″100 Ct1043$6.50
CURAD Plastic Adhesive Bandages4-sided seal3/4″ x 3″200 Ct6018$11.00
CURAD Waterproof Butterfly BandagesCloses small wounds1.75″ x 3/8″12 Ct3343$8.50
CURAD XL Flex-Fabric Adhesive BandagesStretches with movement2″ x 4″50 Ct6119$8.00
CURAD Quick Strip Fabric Adhesive BandagesFlexible, fast application0.75″ x 3″100 Ct6117$3.50
CURAD Adhesive Bandage Variety PackAssorted sizesAssorted1 Ct1891$12.50
CURAD Premium Self-Stick Cohesive WrapCompression wrap2″ x 5 yd1 Ct6015$3.00
Medline Nonsterile Swift-Wrap Elastic BandageElastic bandage with hook-and-loop closure4″ x 5 yd1 Ct1927$4.00
CURAD QuickStop! Flex-Fabric BandagesStops minor bleedingSmall/Medium30 Ct1638$7.50
CURAD QuickStop! Flex-Fabric BandagesStops minor bleeding0.75″ x 2.83″30 Ct1063$8.00
CURAD FlexSEAL Spray BandageWater-resistant seal1.35 oz1 Ct1057$11.50
Dressings & GauzeMedline Conforming Stretch Gauze BandageSterile, conforms to hard-to-wrap areas4″ x 75″1 CtN/A

What is Covered by My OTC Card?

  • Pain killer OTC medicines such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin, and other pain relievers
  • Cough and cold relieving medicines like Cough drops,  and other OTC medicines
  • Vitamins and supplements
  • Dental care items such as Toothbrushes, toothpaste, denture cream, and tablets
  • First aid items such as  Bandages, first aid supplies, and other medical supplies
  • Digestive care items such as Antacids, laxatives, and other stomach remedies
  • Allergy relief: items such Allergy relief support, antihistamines, and allergy sprays
  • Sleep aids and sedative products
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